Action Sound, a music store located in Hawkins Texas, is owned and operated by Kelly Barber. Action Sound offers sales, service, repair and customization on everything they sell as well as an insane amount of both new and vintage inventory.
Delivering the major name brands without a chain-impersonal-big-box-stores isn’t easy. Earning the respect of the top companies in the business takes hard work and dedication. Action Sound has lasted for two decades on word of mouth, old school customer service and an inventory of hundreds of guitars, basses, amplifiers, drums, live sound gear along with all the parts and accessories to make it all work.
Action Sound sells Bedell Guitars, Breedlove Guitars, Paul Reed Smith Guitars and Amps, and Ashby Custom Amps just to name a few.
Everybody who has grown up in a small town has done it…drive miles to buy something that you just can’t find locally. Worse yet, paid too much for something that you could get for way less, if only you lived in that big city miles away. Looking at pictures on the internet, in magazines or catalogs is nice but actually picking up and touching, playing and feeling what you are buying is something that can’t be replaced. Buying an instrument, whether spending $200 or $2,000, can be like an investment without the accountant, a whirlwind romance without the divorce lawyer, or buying a car without the pushy salesman in the cheap tie.
If you are a beginner or a touring professional superstar, Action Sound has something for everybody. Stop in or call and let the staff at Action Sound help you get the best deal available anywhere.